Saturday, January 06, 2007

Two More Teeth!

Yep, Alivia has cut two more teeth, bringing her grand total to 14! It's funny the things I can get excited about now--new teeth, regular bowel movements and every new word or facial expression each bring their own little bit of joy to my day!

Today Alivia and I took down the Christmas tree, put her new table and chairs together, and did a little shopping. It was a nice Saturday--at least until she awoke from her afternoon nap. All of the sudden Alivia went into major cling and cry mode. I don't know what the deal was, but she just wouldn't be comforted and wouldn't let me put her down even for a second--my dinner just had to wait. Fortunately she seemed to get over it after about an hour, but she had me worried for a bit. I couldn't find anything that was causing her distress and she still isn't able to communicate at that level. Things like this make me wonder if maybe she's having bad dreams or something. It only seems to happen on those rare occasions where she wakes up crying. Most times she wakes in a terrific mood. I'll be glad when she's able to tell me what's wrong. On a positive note, once I coaxed her into a better mood she stayed that way the rest of the evening.

One more bit of positivity--one of my dear internet buddies leaves for Tver on Monday to meet her referral! I can't wait to hear how things go!

~ Jeana

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